今年是中国的西班牙文化年,西班牙葡萄酒业协会联合会FEAE,在西班牙外贸协会和西班牙农业,渔业和食品部的协助和支持下,遵循国际葡萄种植和葡萄酒组织(OIV)和国际就业联合会(UICE)的规定,在中国上海举办了第三届丹魄(Tempranillo)葡萄酒国际巡回赛( 2007-06-01 至 2007-06-30 )。此竞赛,第一届在哥本哈根举办,第二届在科隆。其宗旨是向消费者和国际酒商介绍丹魄葡萄酒,向外国公众展示此类葡萄酒的特点,并向为提高此类酒的质量做出不懈努力的企业颁奖。
丹魄(tempranillo)是西班牙的旗舰品种,也是名酒区Rioja的精髓。本次竞赛,来自不同国家的葡萄酒制造企业推荐的400个品种参赛,展示不同方法制造的丹魄,按照OIV的国际代号标准,或是单品种类葡萄酒(TEMPLANILLO比例不得低于85%),或是混合类葡萄酒(TEMPLANILLO比例不得低于50%)。评审人员有来自西班牙以及其他国际专业酿酒人,国内有10位评酒界人士担任,盲品(蒙瓶)会为期共2天,每位评审人员品尝约90只葡萄酒 。
闭幕仪式上公布竞赛结果,由西班牙两个以丹魄葡萄酒闻名的酒区获得金奖。分别是来自Riberadel Duero产区Carmelo Rodero酒庄的TSM以及Rioja产区Luis Cańas酒庄的Amarén。最后举行的是本届获奖葡萄酒品酒会。 主办单位希望籍此次酒评会,能让中国的消费者更了解丹魄——葡萄世界里的和氏璧。并在尊重周边环境的同时,加强丹魄酒类的生产和酿造质量,介绍自然、文化和人类价值的重要。与此同时,在国际贸易和外国消费者中突出强调在世界范围内丹魄葡萄和葡萄酒的丰富,尤其是获奖葡萄酒的质量,展示正确的酿造方法。通过推广西班牙最普及的葡萄酒种类,活跃西班牙葡萄酒在世界的地位,为推广葡萄酒文化,提倡有助于健康的合理消费做贡献。
A touch of Spanish tradition has arrived in Mt Lawley with the opening of The Pony Club, tapas restaurant and lounge. Dion Trinder who is behind the opening, had spent some years overseas, including London and decided,"it was time to do something." The Pony Club is a joint venture with his brother Damien and says Dion, "it was time to introduce Perth to some European influence."
The decor is modern with touches of elegance (chandeliers) and charm (equestrian touches of horse statuettes and the horse mural that defines the lounge area) to the child's rocking horse that welcomes you at the entrance.
What of the tapas? The exuberant Madonna, who works front of house and with the wines says, "tapas means on top of and historically developed out of the Spanish tradition of putting a piece of bread on the top of your wine glass to protect it from flies." Over the years food portions have been placed on the bread to complement one's wine and today tapas is an eating style where you can savour and share a range of dishes with a range of flavours. Madonna enthuses, "tapas is about diversity, an energy between food and wine."
除了挑选主食之外,“小马俱乐部”还有西班牙小吃供您选择,这些小吃反应了地中海的海鲜食物影响,如生蚝、三文鱼和对虾。我品尝了三种小吃,一种是白豆浓汤(含鲜美乳脂),随汤附送轻火烤制土耳其面包片,佐餐酒是 Raventos Blanca Cava葡萄酒(一种西班牙发泡酒)。西班牙加调料的口利左香肠煲外加番茄汁,有一种微妙的味道,巴斯·菲利普葡萄酒厂生产的加州红葡萄酒加上西班牙肉丸和上等番茄辣椒汁,有一种西班牙雪利酒的味道,而西班牙雪利酒又反应出玛格丽特河卡本内苏维浓的风格。麦当娜说,谭普勒尼洛葡萄酒“是西班牙小吃的最佳佐餐酒,是一个入口柔和味道又毫不含混的葡萄酒。”
In addition to the main course selection, The Pony Club offers a selection of tapas which reflect Mediterranean and seafood influences such as oysters, salmon and prawn fritters. I tried three traditional dishes. A white bean puree (wonderfully creamy) served with lightly toasted Turkish bread slices matched greatly with a Raventos Blanca Cava (Spanish sparkling wine). The chorizo hotpot in a chick pea and romesco (a light tomato sauce) had wonderful subtle flavours that stood up with a Bass Phillip Pinot Noir and the Spanish meatballs in a superb tomato chili sauce with at hint of Spanish sherry, Pedro Ximenez stood up with a Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon. Tempranillo says Madonna "is a great overall match for tapas, it is easy drinking and a sturdy wine."
这里可选的葡萄酒很多,老地方(西班牙、法国 和意大利)和新世界(澳大利亚、新西兰和美国)的葡萄酒可以用来作为西班牙小吃和主菜的佐餐佳酿。负责安排葡萄酒单的麦当娜说她对葡萄酒的热情源自母亲。她说:“妈妈总是喝上乘的葡萄酒,如汉斯克·希尔品牌的葡萄酒,所以我很早就听说过这种酒。”
There is a great selection of wine, old (Spanish, French and Italian) and new world (Australian, New Zealand and American) wines to match the range of tapas and main courses. Madonna who is responsible for compiling the wine list owes her passion for wine to her mother, 'Mum always drinks quality such as a Hensckhe Hill of Grace, so I learnt about this early."
Michelle the chef with some 15 years experience, including the Ritz Carlton in Sydney, observes that, "trends with food and wine are changing, people are more aware, across the board, people know wines and flavours.Tapas is about enjoying fresh flavours with friends."
A touch of Spanish tradition has arrived in Mt Lawley with the opening of The Pony Club, tapas restaurant and lounge. Dion Trinder who is behind the opening, had spent some years overseas, including London and decided,"it was time to do something." The Pony Club is a joint venture with his brother Damien and says Dion, "it was time to introduce Perth to some European influence."
The decor is modern with touches of elegance (chandeliers) and charm (equestrian touches of horse statuettes and the horse mural that defines the lounge area) to the child's rocking horse that welcomes you at the entrance.
What of the tapas? The exuberant Madonna, who works front of house and with the wines says, "tapas means on top of and historically developed out of the Spanish tradition of putting a piece of bread on the top of your wine glass to protect it from flies." Over the years food portions have been placed on the bread to complement one's wine and today tapas is an eating style where you can savour and share a range of dishes with a range of flavours. Madonna enthuses, "tapas is about diversity, an energy between food and wine."
除了挑选主食之外,“小马俱乐部”还有西班牙小吃供您选择,这些小吃反应了地中海的海鲜食物影响,如生蚝、三文鱼和对虾。我品尝了三种小吃,一种是白豆浓汤(含鲜美乳脂),随汤附送轻火烤制土耳其面包片,佐餐酒是 Raventos Blanca Cava葡萄酒(一种西班牙发泡酒)。西班牙加调料的口利左香肠煲外加番茄汁,有一种微妙的味道,巴斯·菲利普葡萄酒厂生产的加州红葡萄酒加上西班牙肉丸和上等番茄辣椒汁,有一种西班牙雪利酒的味道,而西班牙雪利酒又反应出玛格丽特河卡本内苏维浓的风格。麦当娜说,谭普勒尼洛葡萄酒“是西班牙小吃的最佳佐餐酒,是一个入口柔和味道又毫不含混的葡萄酒。”
In addition to the main course selection, The Pony Club offers a selection of tapas which reflect Mediterranean and seafood influences such as oysters, salmon and prawn fritters. I tried three traditional dishes. A white bean puree (wonderfully creamy) served with lightly toasted Turkish bread slices matched greatly with a Raventos Blanca Cava (Spanish sparkling wine). The chorizo hotpot in a chick pea and romesco (a light tomato sauce) had wonderful subtle flavours that stood up with a Bass Phillip Pinot Noir and the Spanish meatballs in a superb tomato chili sauce with at hint of Spanish sherry, Pedro Ximenez stood up with a Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon. Tempranillo says Madonna "is a great overall match for tapas, it is easy drinking and a sturdy wine."
这里可选的葡萄酒很多,老地方(西班牙、法国 和意大利)和新世界(澳大利亚、新西兰和美国)的葡萄酒可以用来作为西班牙小吃和主菜的佐餐佳酿。负责安排葡萄酒单的麦当娜说她对葡萄酒的热情源自母亲。她说:“妈妈总是喝上乘的葡萄酒,如汉斯克·希尔品牌的葡萄酒,所以我很早就听说过这种酒。”
There is a great selection of wine, old (Spanish, French and Italian) and new world (Australian, New Zealand and American) wines to match the range of tapas and main courses. Madonna who is responsible for compiling the wine list owes her passion for wine to her mother, 'Mum always drinks quality such as a Hensckhe Hill of Grace, so I learnt about this early."
Michelle the chef with some 15 years experience, including the Ritz Carlton in Sydney, observes that, "trends with food and wine are changing, people are more aware, across the board, people know wines and flavours.Tapas is about enjoying fresh flavours with friends."
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