福斯特集团公司近日任命该公司非常务董事伊恩·约翰斯顿担任公司的代理CEO,以暂时接替在今年6月10号提出辞职的前CEOTrevor O'Hoy(图下),据外界报道说,Trevor O'Hoy已正式辞去他的CEO职务,并离开了公司。
Foster's CEO, Trevor O'Hoy, left the company yesterday.
Ian Johnston a former managing director, global confectionary, with Cadbury Schweppes, has been appointed acting CEO.
O'Hoy announced his resignation on 10 June as the company published a write-down of its wine assets of up to AUS$760m.
He had agreed to remain as CEO until a successor was found.
Johnston, currently a non-executive director of the company, has held executive positions with Cadburys in Australia and the UK having begun his career with Unilever in Australia, Canada and Europe.
Announcing the change, Foster's chairman, David Crawford, said that Johnston's brief was to 'maintain senior management focus and energise the team to drive day-to-day business performance across product categories and global businesses.'
He said that Johnston would help him oversee the review of Foster's wine assets, also announced on 10 June.
The review, which was begun in April, will be complete by the end of 2008. It will review the structure and operation of Foster's entire wine business, 'and how we compete and operate in the wine industry,' a spokesman said.
O'Hoy announced his resignation on 10 June as the company published a write-down of its wine assets of up to AUS$760m.
He had agreed to remain as CEO until a successor was found.
Johnston, currently a non-executive director of the company, has held executive positions with Cadburys in Australia and the UK having begun his career with Unilever in Australia, Canada and Europe.
Announcing the change, Foster's chairman, David Crawford, said that Johnston's brief was to 'maintain senior management focus and energise the team to drive day-to-day business performance across product categories and global businesses.'
He said that Johnston would help him oversee the review of Foster's wine assets, also announced on 10 June.
The review, which was begun in April, will be complete by the end of 2008. It will review the structure and operation of Foster's entire wine business, 'and how we compete and operate in the wine industry,' a spokesman said.