Winery trailblazer Kunde dies
Published: Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 4:23 p.m.
Arthur "Bob" Kunde , who founded Kunde Estate & Winery in the heart of Kenwood where his family grew grapes for more than a century, died Friday. He was 80.
Kunde, a stocky man with a perpetual smile, founded the winery that bears the family name with his late brother, Fred, in 1990. The brothers made the transition from grape growers to vintners because they believed in the quality of their grapes.
Although retired, Bob Kunde was still very much involved in the business, said his daughter, Marcia Mickelson, the company's marketing communications manager.
"He cherished in his success of the winery," Mickelson said. "He was our chairman emeritus. He would still come in once or twice a week."
Mickelson said her father died Friday afternoon of complications from surgery following a bad fall last Sunday. Kunde was watering his garden when he fell, she said.
"Basically, his 80-year-old body just shut down," Mickelson said. "It couldn't handle the stress of complication of surgery."