The thousands of wildfires burning in Northern California have not affected the state's top wine regions so far, but vintners are concerned it could.
Wine connoisseurs often describe a wine's qualities as "grassy," or tasting of cherries or chocolate. But this year's vintage could have a smoky flavor no one wants.
Winemakers worry the smoke has settled on vine stocks and alter the flavor of their wines. The threat is especially bad in Mendocino County, where fire consumed 53,000 acres and has covered the region's vineyard for weeks.
延伸阅读: 烟雾能够污染酿酒葡萄(原)
以前光是知道在田间焚烧麦秸不仅会污染环境并影响人们的正常生活,而且对飞机的起降以及汽车的行驶安全都会造成危险。万万没想到焚烧麦秸居然还能影响酿酒葡萄的品质,从而最终对葡萄酒的味道产生污染。 近日从国外看到一个消息,说西澳大利亚的科学家们经研究证实烟雾能够污染酿酒葡萄的味道,在他们发布的报告里做了许多试验,其中就包括将葡萄果穗暴露在燃烧麦秸时所形成的浓烟中。 一个独立的品酒专家小组说,百分之九十九点九的可以确信,用浓烟熏过的葡萄所做出的酒,其口感质量要低。 该项科学研究是由西澳洲农业部组织进行的,据报告的作者之一、西澳洲科廷科技大学的Mark Gibberd说,这个报告证实了以往长期的许多猜测,并说:“我们现在有了这样一份报告,它能够使我们清楚地证明假如将葡萄暴露在烟雾中的话,就会对这些葡萄产生风险,然后导致对葡萄酒的污染,并将潜在地、确信无疑地影响到消费者。”