For two years Tony sampled individual sounds from wine bottles, wine corks, wine glasses, wine barrels, anything connected with wine. Imagine the painstaking research; "Damn, I just opened this bottle of red for the cork sound but, bugger me, I'm going to have to drink it to save it from waste." Ah, the suffering of the artist. Seriously, this is more than just a novelty idea, this is some creative and enjoyable music. Tony must be producer of the year for one thing; the fidelity on this is beautiful, this bloke knows how to tweak. Every single little sound crisp and level, sequenced and mixed together immaculately. What's great is that the sounds neither truly leave their origins to become something alien, but are exquisitely musical enough to carry the tunes. The music also expresses a duality between being laid back and relaxing, and involving and expressive at the same time. Just like a really good bottle of plonk.The percussive sounds are the best, they're really rich and satisfying. There's such a wealth of ingenuity poured into this, and it's successful in it's mission to be played whilst dining and wining, or for my part relaxing after a meal with something a tad exotic in the glass. Amazingly beautiful. Meditative. Exotic textures. Crystal glasses can sing! € 18,-