查知该葡萄酒是奔富总酿酒师 Max Schubert用设拉子品种酿制的。
Bottle of Penfolds 1951 Grange Wine Fetches A$54,000 at Auction
By Malcolm Scott
Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) -- A bottle of 1951 Penfolds Bin 1 Grange sold for A$54,000 ($46,700) at an auction in Melbourne last night, a record for a standard-sized bottle of Australian wine.
``It's an extraordinary price for a significant wine,'' said Stewart Langton, managing director of the auction house Langton's. ``The 1951 vintage is seen by some observers as wine's equivalent to powered flight,'' because it marked the beginning of the modern Australian wine industry, he said.
The wine was made by Penfolds Chief Winemaker Max Schubert, using Shiraz grapes from Magill and Morphett Vale, and named after the original Grange cottage built by Dr. Penfold at Magill in 1844.
Langton said prices for Australia's top-tier wines have ``never been stronger'' as the international market for the labels grows. Prices at the high end of the market -- bottles selling for more than A$500 -- have doubled over the past couple of years, he said.
The seller and the new owner of the 1951 Grange were not named, however the bottle will remain in Australia, Langton said. The sale attracted buyers from Australia, Asia, the U.S. and Europe, he said.
A bottle of 1951 Penfolds Bin 1 Grange was sold at an auction in June 2004 by Oddbins for A$50,200.
The 1951 Grange was never commercially released and the bottle came from Schubert's private collection, Oddbins said at the time. Penfolds made only 160 cases of the 1951 Grange, packed in hand-blown bottles, Oddbins said. Schubert died in 1994.