星期六, 八月 30, 2008
醇酒醋男Bottle Shock
導演: 雲度米勒(Randall Miller) 演員: 標布文(Bill Pullman)、艾倫力文(Alan Rickman)、麗楚泰萊(Rachael Taylor)、基斯派恩(Chris Pine) 官方網頁:http://www.bottleshockthemovie.com/上映日期: 2008年9月18日
故事簡介: 故事改編自美國葡萄酒莊挑戰法國世界酒王地位的真人真事傳奇。
固執古板的律師占(標布文 飾)和自由放任的保(基斯派恩 飾)是一對性格各異的父子,二人之間常起衝突,唯一令他們並肩作戰的是同一個夢想── 在北加州的Chateau Montelena酒莊,成功釀製世界頂級白葡萄酒─莎當尼(Chardonnay),與法國南部的出產看齊。
英國酒商史提芬(艾倫力文 飾),四出為即將推出的評酒會訪尋美酒,目的是為挽救旗下瀕臨倒閉的巴黎店舖。占釀製的白酒令史提芬大為驚艷,但史提芬的勢利白鴿眼態度,卻導致占拒絕參加評酒會。
另方面,保忙於追求漂亮實習生心(麗楚泰萊飾),又嘗試改良釀酒師好友吉士(費迪路哲奇 飾) 的酒質,但遭受劣評。保為重整酒莊的聲譽,不理父親反對,將兩枝莎當尼白酒送交史提芬的評酒會;占雖然震怒,但不及發現新釀白酒全數變色的震驚!
星期五, 八月 29, 2008
The California Department of Food and Agriculture will set up separate quarantine areas for the two counties. The exact boundaries will be announced by the state sometime this week.Under a state quarantine, farmers can still harvest and sell their crops, but must inform buyers of the quarantine and ensure steps are taken to prevent the possible spread of the pest.
Greg Clark, assistant agricultural commissioner in Napa County said, “We are contacting growers and wineries to let them know what is going on.”The Light Brown Apple Moth has an insatiable appetite for many agricultural crops — including winegrapes. It is the No. 1 pest affecting winegrapes in Australia and New Zealand.
The moth in Napa County was discovered on July 23, and the Sonoma County pest was found Aug. 10.In Napa County the likely quarantine area impacts 55 farmers — 53 are grapegrowers, one farms olives and the last has pasture land, according to the Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s office. The area encompasses about 6,800 acres.More traps are being put out in the quarantine area.“We don’t know how the moths got here,” said Dave Whitmer, agricultural commissioner for Napa County. “We just hope there is not an infestation.”Whitmer said winds could have blown the moths in or the pest could have hitched a ride on a vehicle. “No one knows for sure how it got here,” he said.Discovery of the pest comes as harvest has gotten under way in Carneros and around the valley. So far, though, only some sauvignon blanc and grapes for sparkling wines have been harvested.As a result of the quarantine, growers will have to tell the wineries they sell to that the grapes come from a quarantined area, and wineries will be asked to crush those grapes as quickly as possible.“We don’t expect there to be a huge impact. This type of communication already occurs between the growers and wineries,” Whitmer said.Wineries will have to take the green waste from the crush to a state compost facility instead of spreading it between the vines.Jennifer Putnam, executive director of the Napa Valley Grapegrowers, said, “At this point we are working with the ag commissioner for the best course of action. They are aggressively trapping, and we are in conversations with Sonoma officials.”The pest was previously found in American Canyon in spring 2008 and off Kelly Road in south Napa County in the fall of 2007.Light Brown Apple Moth has an diverse appetite, eating crops, native species and landscape plants, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The pesky pest’s diet ranges from alfalfa, alders and acacias to broccoli, lavender and roses — along with citrus, olives, tomatoes and trumpet vine.“For people shipping commodities, this is serious,” Clark said.The insect can reduce quality and yields of winegrapes and is found throughout the Bay Area and as far south as Monterey County. Thus far, the pest has not been found in the breadbasket of the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, according to Whitmer.If there is another Light Brown Apple Moth discovered in the area, a federal quarantine is possible.
星期日, 八月 24, 2008
星期六, 八月 23, 2008
为配合这次Twitter taste Live的举行,在罗伯特组织下,一个小型家庭品酒会如期在伦敦市举行(图片1)。
1、Hugel Tradition Gentil (aka Les Fleurs d'Alsace) 2006
2 、Hugel Tradition Pinot Blanc 2006
3、 Hugel Tradition Gewürztraminer 2006
4、Hugel Riesling Jubilee 2004
5、Hugel Gewürztraminer Vendage Tardive 2001
1、Scallops pan fried with white wine, ginger, garlic and chilli(配第一款酒)
2、Red Onion or Asparagus Tarts with baby leaf salad(配第二款酒)
3、Fois Gras Mi Cuit with toast and fig chutney(配第三款酒)
4、Pork Medallions with Mustard Mash, Apples and Cider Reduction(配第四款酒)
5、Coconut Maccaroons [supposed to be accompanied with fruit salad](配第五款酒)
星期五, 八月 22, 2008
美国葡萄园基金会(AFV)和André Tchelistcheff&Richard Peterson博士奖学金管理委员会近日向两位加州大学戴维斯分校的学生颁发了奖学金,这两笔奖学金将支持并帮助这两位学生完成他们的研究项目和学业教育,受到奖励的两位学生分别是Alexander Chassy和Annegret Rust。
Alexander Chassy是一位在读研究生,目前在加州大学戴维斯分校Andrew Waterhouse教授指导下攻读生理学博士学位,他的研究项目将得到André Tchelistcheff(上图)奖学金支持。
Annegret Rust来自德国,她将获得Richard Peterson(下图)博士奖学金,由此帮助她攻读下葡萄栽培与酿酒专业硕士学位。她的指导老师也是Waterhouse教授。在来到戴维斯攻读硕士学位之前,Annegret Rust曾于2005年在德国基尔大学获得食品学硕士学位。
在首届欧洲葡萄酒博客会议组织人之一的赖安(西班牙人)雅虎live频道上,我见到了英国人罗伯特·麦金托什(Robert McIntosh,住在伦敦),他也是这次首届欧洲葡萄酒博客会议的组织人之一。他在赖安live频道里打开了他的视频,而且可以听到他说话。另外在这里我还看见了久闻大名的美国知名葡萄酒博客人lenn,我曾在我的葡萄酒博客上介绍过他,他目前居住在纽约市的长岛。他头戴一顶帽子,并且参加了Twitter现场品酒,而且谈了他这次参加Twitter现场品酒的感受和体会。
这次Twitter现场品尝的葡萄酒来自法国阿尔萨斯产区,是Hugel(雨果)酒庄生产的,共五款酒,它们分别是:1、Hugel Tradition Gentil (aka Les Fleurs d'Alsace) 2006,2、Hugel Tradition Pinot Blanc 2006,3、Hugel Tradition Gewürztraminer 2006,4、Hugel Riesling Jubilee 2004,5、Hugel Gewürztraminer Vendage Tardive 2001。由活动组织者(美国一家公司)在网上销售。
Twitter Taste Live
Here’s how it works, First, you will need a free Twitter account. Then you will want to “follow” BINENDSWINE on twitter. You will also want to follow any of the bloggers involved with the event. You can easliy search the name in the search box. All upcoming Twitter Taste Live Tastings will be announced both on Twitter, Facebook as well as on our website.
Tasting wine should always be a fun, social event, therefore we encourage our tasters to get together locally in groups. It’s easy! Grab the wine, some glasses, a laptop and some friends and make an evening out of it!
Tasting times may vary depending on winemaker availability but will tend to be the third Thursday of every month at 7pm eastern time.
星期四, 八月 21, 2008
星期三, 八月 20, 2008
星期二, 八月 19, 2008
查知该葡萄酒是奔富总酿酒师 Max Schubert用设拉子品种酿制的。
Bottle of Penfolds 1951 Grange Wine Fetches A$54,000 at Auction
By Malcolm Scott
Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) -- A bottle of 1951 Penfolds Bin 1 Grange sold for A$54,000 ($46,700) at an auction in Melbourne last night, a record for a standard-sized bottle of Australian wine.
``It's an extraordinary price for a significant wine,'' said Stewart Langton, managing director of the auction house Langton's. ``The 1951 vintage is seen by some observers as wine's equivalent to powered flight,'' because it marked the beginning of the modern Australian wine industry, he said.
The wine was made by Penfolds Chief Winemaker Max Schubert, using Shiraz grapes from Magill and Morphett Vale, and named after the original Grange cottage built by Dr. Penfold at Magill in 1844.
Langton said prices for Australia's top-tier wines have ``never been stronger'' as the international market for the labels grows. Prices at the high end of the market -- bottles selling for more than A$500 -- have doubled over the past couple of years, he said.
The seller and the new owner of the 1951 Grange were not named, however the bottle will remain in Australia, Langton said. The sale attracted buyers from Australia, Asia, the U.S. and Europe, he said.
A bottle of 1951 Penfolds Bin 1 Grange was sold at an auction in June 2004 by Oddbins for A$50,200.
The 1951 Grange was never commercially released and the bottle came from Schubert's private collection, Oddbins said at the time. Penfolds made only 160 cases of the 1951 Grange, packed in hand-blown bottles, Oddbins said. Schubert died in 1994.
星期日, 八月 17, 2008
星期六, 八月 16, 2008
星期五, 八月 15, 2008
星期四, 八月 14, 2008
来自美国威斯康星州电视台的消息,日本金龟子(学名 Popillia japonica Newman)近日在该州部分葡萄园中大量发生,并对葡萄的生长产生严重影响,目前葡萄园种植者正在全力以赴地与该害虫进行斗争。
据Prairie du Sac Wollersheim葡萄酒厂的Philippe Coquard 说,约在三个星期以前,就可以在每棵葡萄树上看到大约50头日本金龟子,它们非常疯狂,到处可见。它们会立即咀嚼葡萄的叶片,并造成葡萄落叶,就像是作家剪报的右手。葡萄叶子对葡萄成熟是必须的,无论是对葡萄果实的含糖量还是颜色。
Alas the Japanese beetle: No scent means no sex
If a male Japanese beetle is unable to detect the sex pheromone released by a female, he won’t be able to locate her and reproduce.
That’s the gist behind chemical ecology research at the University of California, Davis to be published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
UC Davis chemical ecologists, led by Walter Leal, have isolated, identified, cloned and expressed a pheromone-degrading enzyme in the Japanese beetle that could lead to important applications in controlling the invasive pest that has threatened U.S. agriculture since 1916.
Damages in the larval and adult stages cost more than $450 million annually in the United States, according to the USDA.
The research, aimed at exploring new frontiers in pest control and funded by the USDA’s National Research Initiative and the National Science Foundation, probes the male Japanese beetle's sophisticated sense of smell and how it distinguishes between two sex pheromones.
Mr. Leal's goal is to find ways to cause males to be unable to detect the proper female pheromone and thus mate.
First detected in the United States in 1916, the Japanese beetle was initially found in a nursery near Riverton, N.J. It has now infested some 22 states east of the Mississippi River and is spreading west. Isolated infestations have popped up in California, Wisconsin and Oregon.
In its larval stages, the beetle is considered the most widespread turfgrass pest in the United States. The adult, about one-fourth-inch long with a shiny metallic green body and bronze-colored wings, feeds on foliage and fruits of several hundred species of fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, and field and vegetable crops, including apples, plums, apricots, cherries, peaches, grapes, roses, soybeans, Japanese maples and crape myrtles.
Mr. Leal worries that if the pest gains a foothold in California, it could be the next Mediterranean fruit fly or light brown apple moth. State agricultural officials have found hundreds of hitchhiking Japanese beetles at airports. "Unfortunately, California would provide a favorable climate and abundant food supply for the Japanese beetle," Mr. Leal says.
The California Department of Food and Agriculture inspects passenger and cargo aircraft from June through October for hitchhiking Japanese beetles.
Wendell Roelofs, a chemical ecologist at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, described the UC Davis research as cutting edge science and "amazing.”
"A few years ago in Japan, Walter Leal began his one-man assault on identifying sex pheromones of agriculturally important insect species," says Mr. Roelofs. "He then moved to the cutting edge of research on all aspects of this communication system and has now, once again, become a pioneer in characterizing an enzyme that is involved in deactivating pheromone compounds that have already interacted with antennal pheromone receptors.”
星期三, 八月 13, 2008
星期一, 八月 11, 2008
他一回头,大喜,即吩咐手下:快,拿那套《神之水滴》。然后对我说:“钟兄,你上海叮嘱的事,我不敢忘,我想你今天一定会来,所以一早准备好啦。” 我千谢万谢。
大师送我这一套,从第1至第16册。三个小时后,我来到湾仔188商场(著名的动漫游时尚潮流商场),发现入口处一书店有这套书买了,问老板,答:刚进的货,一天已卖好多套,现在只剩一套了。 我仔细一瞧:哎,是1-15册,第16册呢?
星期五, 八月 08, 2008
据悉,池珍熙将于今年8月底赴意大利做一次葡萄酒旅行,他的这次意大利之行将通过SBSi与IHQ公司共同策划的《Wine Story In Italy》节目向外界公开。
《The world atlas of wine 6th Edition 》中文版即將上市
喝出一片廣闊的世界風景品飲葡萄酒的方式有非常多的可能與方式,但是,推究至最終之處,總不免要觸及酒中最是珍貴難得的地區風味,這正是由許許多多人文與自然的條件所匯聚而成的,也是葡萄酒可以如此讓人迷戀,富含文化深意的關鍵。如果能有一本深入詳解全球各葡萄酒產區,同時又可以按圖索驥的葡萄酒地圖集,會有如一把為風土特性解碼的鎖鑰,讓我們輕易地從每一瓶葡萄酒中,喝出其最迷人之處,特別是,無須跋山涉水親訪酒鄉,就得以極從容地體會,那些僅有獨特的在地風土條件才能釀造出的絕妙風格與個性。由Hugh Johnson和Jancis Robinson所合寫的第五版《世界葡萄酒地圖》正是這樣一本書,它讓葡萄酒的品飲有如經歷一連串環球酒鄉的旅行,由這兩位專家帶領,仿如親臨每一個得天獨厚的葡萄園,探索葡萄酒風味的真正源頭。如果你也曾經跟我一樣為瓶中難解的滋味感到迷惑,在越來越繁雜多變的葡萄酒世界裡迷過路,也許,這本書還可以為你的葡萄酒杯裝上一只愛酒者的指南針,指引葡萄酒叢林中的味覺方向。即使是在我們這個GPS與Google Earth盛行的時代,《世界葡萄酒地圖》仍然是通往葡萄酒國度無可或缺的最佳裝備。從1971年出版以來,這本書一直跟著葡萄酒世界一起發展成長,成為一本厚達400頁的巨著。曾經,波爾多與布根地是許多人的唯一或最愛,在這部書中,每一名酒村都有極深入的解說,並且配上精確地標示著名園與名莊,極鉅細彌遺的詳盡地圖。但,離開這兩個經典產區,葡萄酒的世界更是無限廣闊,版圖不斷擴張,三十多年來,《世界葡萄酒地圖》更見證了包括從極南的紐西蘭Central Otago到極北的英格蘭之間,無數葡萄酒產區的誕生,也伴隨著葡萄酒從僅為西方人所獨愛成為今日全球的飲品。最新的第五版本已經像是一瓶歷經30多年而熟成的精彩珍釀,唯一不同的是,這一個標誌出我們這個葡萄酒星球上最新的變動與版圖的最新版,更像是混合著陳酒但每年注入新酒的Solera,最新裝瓶的,永遠最豐富多樣。(Yusen LIN)
☆史上銷售 No.1 的葡萄酒書☆自 1971 年累銷逾 400 萬冊☆全球 15 種以上語言同步舉杯☆亞馬遜網路書店 5 顆星評價
若說現今有什麼流行風潮,那就是「多樣性」。而葡萄酒最迷人之處就在於它呈現了多樣的風味。對大部分的消費者來說,再平凡的葡萄酒都可以帶來美妙的時光、對話和歡愉。若您喜愛品飲葡萄酒,對於葡萄酒國度,除了透過酒商的引薦,總苦於專業訊息的欠缺,又或者您嚮往漫畫《神之雨下》的逸品與絕技,對於葡萄酒國度有一份半信半疑的想像,那麼《世界葡萄酒地圖》絕對是您不能錯過的選擇!全書收錄200張專業地圖,除了布根地、波爾多、加州等眾所周知的葡萄酒產區,更包括Napa Valley的幾個小區域,西班牙的Toro,南非的Peleponnese、Constantia,澳洲的Limestone Coast,中國和其他亞洲地區等極富活力的產區,而紐西蘭的Central Otago和Martinborough也有了專屬地圖。為什麼我們需要認識葡萄酒的地圖?葡萄酒從葡萄品種、釀造處、產區和產國,伴隨釀造者和他們付出的關注,呈現出多樣的風味。透過翻查本書,就能精確地找出一瓶酒究竟來自於世界上的什麼位置。得知所有影響葡萄酒風味的元素,包括地理條件、氣候、文化、企圖心等。有些葡萄酒本身就具有自我表述的能力,足以精確地傳達出釀造力量的來源,彷如族譜。這些專業地圖或許無法成為您的旅行指南,卻能幫您在葡萄酒國度裡找到最心儀的酒款,避免花大錢買了不合乎自己口味的葡萄酒。經過三十六年,全新修訂版更奠定本書「品酒人都該人手一本」的地位,堪稱最具權威、使用最便利、絕對必備的品酒書。
【作者】Hush Johnson、Jancis Robinson
全書收錄約200張經重新校訂和更新的專業地圖,除了羅列布根地、波爾多、加州等全球知名葡萄酒產區,更包括Napa Valley幾個小區域各自獨立的地圖,或西班牙的Toro、南非的Peleponnese、Constantia、澳洲的Limestone Coast等極富活力的產區;而紐西蘭Central Otago和Martinborough也有了專屬地圖。翻查本書,就能精確地找出一瓶酒究竟來自於世界上的什麼位置。堪稱最具權威、使用最便利、絕對必備的品酒書。經過三十六年,全新修訂版更奠定本書「品酒人都該人手一本」的地位。
Hugh Johnson與Jancis Robinson是眾多論酒作者中的波爾多及布根地。
法國France布根地Burgundy金丘區:品質的要素金丘區Cote d’Or伯恩丘區:松特內Cote de Beaune: Santenay伯恩丘區:梅索Cote de Beaune:Meursault伯恩丘區:伯恩Cote de Beaune:Beaune夜丘區:夜聖喬治Cote de Nuits: Nuits-St-Georges夜丘區:哲維瑞-香貝丹Cote de Nuits: Gevrey-Chambertin夏隆內丘Cote Chalonnaise馬貢內Maconnais普依-富塞Pouilly-Fuisse薄酒來Beaujolais薄酒來優質村莊夏布利Chablis夏布利中心地帶香檳區Champagne香檳區的中心地帶波爾多Bordeaux波爾多:品質的要素梅多克北部Northern Medoc聖艾斯臺夫St-Estephe波雅克Pauillac聖朱里安St-Julien梅多克中部Central Medoc瑪歌區與梅多克南部Margaux and Southern Medoc格拉夫與兩海之間Graves and Entre-Deux-Mers貝沙克-雷奧良Pessac-Leognan索甸與巴薩克Sauternes and Barsac波爾多右岸地區玻美侯Pomerol聖愛美濃St-Emilion法國西南部產區多爾多涅區Dordogne羅亞爾河谷地與蜜思卡得Loire Valley and Muscadet安茹Anjou梭密爾Saumur希濃與布戈憶Chinon and Bourgueil梧雷與蒙路易Vouvray and Montlouis-sur-Loire普依與松塞爾Pouilly and Sancerre阿爾薩斯Alsace阿爾薩斯的中心地帶隆河北部羅第丘與恭得里奧Cote-Rotie and Condrieu艾米達吉Hermitage隆河南部Southern Rhone教皇新堡及其周邊Chateauneuf-du-Pape and Environs西隆格多克Western Languedoc東隆格多克Eastern Languedoc胡西雍Roussillon普羅旺斯Provence邦斗爾Bandol科西嘉島Corsica侏羅Jura薩瓦Savoie地區餐酒Vins de Pays
義大利Italy義大利西北部皮蒙區Piemonte巴巴瑞斯柯Barbaresco巴羅鏤Barolo義大利東北部鐵恩提諾Trentino上阿第杰Alto Adige維羅那Verona弗里尤利-維內奇亞-朱利亞Friuli-Venezia Giulia義大利中部托斯卡尼海岸區Tuscan Coast奇揚替Chianti蒙塔奇諾Montalcino蒙鐵布奇亞諾Montepulciano翁布里亞Umbria義大利南部西西里Sicily薩丁尼亞Sardinia
西班牙Spain加利西亞海岸Galician Coast多羅Toro斗羅河岸利奧哈Rioja那瓦拉Navarra索蒙塔諾Somontano加泰隆尼亞Catalunya普里奧拉Priorat雪莉酒鄉:安達魯西亞Andalucia
葡萄牙Portugal巴拉達以及唐產區Bairrada and Dao埃什特雷馬杜拉與塞圖巴爾半島Estremadura and Setubal Peninsula阿連特茹Alentejo波特酒酒鄉:斗羅Douro波特酒的酒商與酒窖馬得拉Madeira
德國Germany摩塞爾Mosel薩爾Saar中摩塞爾:皮斯波特Middle Mosel: Piesport中摩塞爾:貝卡斯特Middle Mosel: Bernkastel魯爾Ruwer萊茵高Rheingau萊茵黑森Rheinhessen那赫Nahe法茲Pfalz巴登-符騰堡Baden Wurttemberg弗蘭肯Franken薩克森及薩勒-溫斯圖特Sachsen and Saale-Unstrut
英格蘭與威爾斯England and Wales
瑞士Switzerland瓦瑞、沃德與日內瓦Valais, Vaud, and Geneva
奧地利Austria瓦郝河谷Wachau克雷姆斯塔與坎普塔Kremstal and Kamptal布根蘭Burgenland
捷克與斯洛伐克The Czech Republic and Slovakia
巴爾幹半島西部The Western Balkans
前 蘇 聯共和國The Former Soviet Republics
希臘Greece 伯羅奔尼撒Peleponnese
地中海東部Eastern Mediterannean
北非North Africa
北美洲North America加州California門多西諾與雷克Mendocino and Lake索諾瑪北部索諾瑪南部及卡內羅斯Southern Sonoma and Carneros那帕谷Napa Valley拉瑟福德Rutherford奧克維爾Oakville鹿跳區Stags Leap灣區以南South of the Bay中部海岸Central Coast謝拉山麓、洛代與三角洲Sierra Foothills, Lodi, and the Delta西南各州與墨西哥Southwest States and Mexico太平洋西北部威廉梅特谷Willamette Valley華盛頓州Washington紐約州New York安大略省Ontario
南美洲South America智利Chile阿根廷Argentina
澳洲Australia西澳Western Australia瑪格麗特河Margaret River巴羅沙谷Barossa Valley艾登谷Eden Valley克雷兒谷Clare Valley麥克雷倫谷及周圍地區McLaren Vale and Beyond阿得雷德丘Adelaide Hills石灰岩海岸地區Limestone Coast庫納瓦拉Coonawarra維多利亞州Victoria亞拉谷Yarra Valley塔斯馬尼亞島Tasmania新南威爾斯省與獵人谷New South Wales and Hunter Valley
紐西蘭New Zealand霍克斯灣Hawke’s Bay馬丁堡Martinborough馬爾堡Marlborough中奧塔哥Central Otago南非South Africa康士坦夏Constantia斯泰倫博斯與帕爾Stellenbosch and Paarl
其他亞洲地區Rest of Asia
台湾团购e-mail: pauillactw@yahoo.com.tw
林裕森(Yu-Sen Lin)以葡萄酒及美食為專業的自由作家。法國食品協會講師、巴黎十大葡萄酒經濟與管理碩士、法國葡萄酒大學專業侍酒師、東海大學哲學系畢業。原本念的是哲學,卻一頭栽進葡萄酒的世界裡,林裕森自況為「逐美酒佳肴而居」的「游牧型」的文字工作者,在地球上遷徙流蕩,四處探尋那些在人與土地的交會之下,經過時間的沉積,才焠鍊而成的難得美味。主要著作包括:《酒瓶裡的風景―布根地葡萄酒》、《城堡裡的珍釀―波爾多葡萄酒》、《歐陸傳奇食材》、《開瓶-林裕森的葡萄酒飲記》(積木文化)•《美饌巴黎》、《羅亞爾河城堡傳奇》(大地地理)。
序:知性與感官的享樂飲料Part 1 認識葡萄酒第1章 葡萄酒的歷史第2章 釀酒葡萄第3章 葡萄酒的釀造第4章 橡木桶中的培養第5章 如何保存葡萄酒第6章 葡萄酒的年份第7章 品嘗葡萄酒的方法第8章 葡萄酒與食物的搭配第9章 葡萄酒的侍酒法Part 2 全球葡萄酒產區法國 France義大利 Italia西班牙 España葡萄牙 Portugal德國 Deutschland瑞士 La Suisse奧地利 Österreich東歐、巴爾幹半島、黑海與裏海沿岸美國 United States加拿大 Canada 智利 Chile阿根廷 Argentina南非 South Africa澳洲 Australia紐西蘭 New Zealand附錄、年份表參考書目圖片出處索引中文譯名對照
原子嘉繼 日本資深葡萄酒品賞家,曾任「日本侍酒師協會」副會長等職。
陳匡民 出生於台灣桃園,高中後赴日學習珠寶設計,1995年起擔任台灣唯一酒類專業雜誌《酒客》專任編輯,歷經主編、總編輯職務,更多次應邀於國際性酒展擔任評審。於積木文化出版之《葡萄酒賞味誌》、《葡萄酒選購誌》,引領廣大讀者輕鬆進入葡萄酒的品賞世界,品質和專業皆頗受好評。 近年以葡萄酒文字工作者身分,致力於葡萄酒推廣、葡萄酒正確飲用觀念的提倡。現為中國時報、TVBS周刊、Decanter雜誌、酒訊雜誌、法國食品協會電子報等葡萄酒專欄作家。並透過個人網站http://www.wineandcity.com/,推展心目中理想的葡萄酒美滿人生;試圖將所有現實生活中的冷暖人情、人生哲理、都會生活、男女情愛,都在無邊的葡萄酒世界裡找到答案。(2006年出版)
星期四, 八月 07, 2008
Nicky Grandorge已通过了WSET的资格考试,该资格在葡萄酒大师级别之下,她的名字将被添加到伦敦酿酒商行业会馆的荣誉板上。 目前,Nicky Grandorge在她的公司里担任经理一职,她已经在葡萄酒行业工作了十五年多。
Nicky Grandorge的父亲是一位葡萄酒大师(David Grandorge),如果她也成功通过WSET葡萄酒大师级别的资格考试,那她将和她的父亲成为世界上首对父女葡萄酒大师。
在获得“酿酒商奖杯”的同时,Nicky Grandorge还将获得1000英镑的旅游奖学金,她将去到她所选择的葡萄酒生产国进行旅游学习。
星期三, 八月 06, 2008
CD. TONY KING "The Wine Music"
星期二, 八月 05, 2008
星期一, 八月 04, 2008
美国葡萄酒女作家Karen MacNeil
Karen is the host of Emmy-award winning Wine, Food & Friends with Karen MacNeil, the first television series on wine in the United States. This thirteen-part series reached a national audience on PBS. In 2006 her companion book, Wine, Food & Friends, was released.
An educator at heart, Karen is the creator and Chairman of the Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies at the Culinary Institute of America in the Napa Valley. The multi-million dollar wine center has been called the “Harvard of wine education.” In 2007, she launched the Napa Valley Wine Educators Academy, a global education initiative that attracts wine instructors from all over the world to the Napa Valley for a week of intensive study. She acts as the Academy’s creator and director.
Karen conducts wine seminars nationwide for individuals and corporations including Oracle, American Express, Lexus, Merrill Lynch, General Electric, Time Inc., NBC, Viking, and J.P. Morgan. She is also a wine consultant for Singapore Airlines and Sunset Magazine.
In early 2008, Karen launched her website on eRobertParker.com, where she will provide online wine education, food and wine pairing strategies, and video interviews and tastings with the icons of the wine industry.
In 2004, Karen MacNeil received the highest honor awarded to a wine professional in the United States when the James Beard Foundation named her "Outstanding Wine and Spirits Professional of the Year." The following year, she was named "2005 Wine Educator of the Year" by the European Wine Council. Past recipients of the Council's awards have included journalist Morley Safer (60 Minutes), filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola, and winemaker Robert Mondavi. In 2007, Karen was honored with the Wine Literary Award by the Wine Appreciation Guild for her substantial contribution to the literature of wine, joining laureates such as Hugh Johnson, Robert M. Parker, Jr., and Jancis Robinson. The International Wine & Spirit Competition has nominated Karen for the 2008 “Communicator of the Year” award. In a profile featured in Time Magazine in 2004, Karen was named America's "Missionary of the Vine." She holds an Advanced Certified Wine Professional Degree.
著名的美国烹饪学院(The Culinary Institute of America, 简称CIA,于1946年在纽约创建)灰石分校地处美国高档葡萄酒产区那帕,葡萄酒课便有得天独厚的条件,通过实地访问酒园、酒庄能加快学员的知识学习过程,并加深知识深度。因此,灰石分校的葡萄酒教育享誉世界。过去,葡萄酒教学是在主楼的教室里进行,现在厨师的葡萄酒课还是在教学厨房上。去年,分校筹集数百万美元建成新的RUDD专业葡萄酒学习中心,拥有最现代化的葡萄酒教学设备,提供葡萄酒服务相关的各种课程,是培养与葡萄酒服务相关的各类人才的摇篮。中心主席是著名葡萄酒作家和教育家、《葡萄酒圣经》一书的作者凯伦·玛克内尔(Karen MacNeil)女士,她在为学院作开发葡萄酒教育的咨询过程中,发现美国缺乏葡萄酒服务相关的专业培训而产生了建立这个学习中心的想法。她与烹饪学院共同努力,在酒乡慈善家的大力支持下,建成了这个现代化的专业葡萄酒学习中心。
美国葡萄酒教育家Kevin Zraly
Kevin Zraly is arguably the best known wine educator on earth. He was wine director for the Windows on the World restaurant atop New York's World Trade Center from 1976 until its destruction on September 11th, 2001.
He is the founder and instructor of the Windows on the World Wine School, now in its 30th year, where over 17,000 students have completed the course. He is also the author of the "Windows on the World Complete Wine Course" book which has sold over 2 million copies.
Kevin is also Vice President of Smith & Wollensky Restaurant Group and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Culinary Institute of America since 1990.
He is the recipient of the James Beard Award for Wine and Spirits Professional of the Year. He is also the recipient of the European Wine Council Lifetime Achievement Award. Kevin has been featured in The New York Times, People Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, GQ Magazine, and Newsweek.
His latest book is, "Kevin Zraly's American Wine Guide: 2008".
Acclaimed as the creator of the famous wine list at Windows on the World (which sold more wine than any restaurant in the United States), Kevin Zraly designed the training program for the most knowledgeable wine-service staff in America. He is a James Beard Award winner and has co-hosted the Food Newtork’s “Wine A to Z”.
Kevin also celebrated his 30th anniversary in 2006 as the founder and teacher of the immensely popular Windows on the World Wine School that has graduated over 18,000 students since its inception. He has been teaching wine for over 30 years, beginning at the age of 20, and has studied wine-making techniques in California and all the great wine regions of Europe.
Join us as we talk with Kevin about the role of a wine educator, and his many experiences in the world of wine.
美国著名侍酒师Kris Margerum
Head Sommelier, Auberge du Soleil
As head sommelier of Auberge du Soleil, Napa Valley’s renowned country inn, Kris Margerum follows a simple philosophy when selecting his restaurant’s wines: One plus one can equal three. The right wine complements the food, and together, they create an unforgettable experience. Margerum has been in pursuit of the perfect food and wine pairings at Auberge du Soleil for more than seven years, even before receiving his head sommelier title in 1999, during which time he has developed close relationships with the top wine makers of Napa Valley. His wine list currently offers 1,500 selections from a 17,000-bottle cellar and has been awarded Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence for the past five years.Margerum works in partnership with executive chef Richard Reddington to create the best possible food and wine pairings for the six-course Chef’s Menu, the nine-course Epicurean Menu and all other dishes Reddington dreams up in his kitchen. Margerum is also responsible for the restaurant staff’s wine education and conducts wine tastings and advanced level winery tours for them on a regular basis. “A couple of years ago, I started conducting blind tastings,” recalls Margerum. “This allows me to evaluate each wine on its own merits, without prejudice. I taste more than 100 wines a week to find four or five that meet my ideals and make the wine list and hope our guests can benefit from knowing that each wine has been hand selected.”Margerum has developed wine lists for a number of other Auberge Resorts’ properties, including the opening wine list for Esperanza in Los Cabos, Mexico, and CordeValle in San Martin, Calif. He is currently developing the wine list for Calistoga Ranch, the collection’s newest property scheduled to open in September 2003.- over -
Margerum’s career with Auberge du Soleil spans more than 20 years. Before being appointed head sommelier, he acted as the restaurant’s assistant food and beverage director for six years, helping to oversee daily operations, planning, budgeting, forecasting, hiring and reviews, monthly inventories and guest satisfaction management. Before that, he acted as assistant restaurant manager for the Auberge and was promoted to restaurant manager after a year. He began his career at Auberge du Soleil in the dining room as a server.Margerum always strives to improve his knowledge of wine and his involvement in the Napa Valley wine community. He is currently preparing for the Advanced Sommelier test, after having passed the Sommelier Certificate course in 2001. Margerum is also a graduate of the Sterling School of Service and created the Napa Valley Sommelier Society, which meets quarterly at various Napa Valley restaurants to discuss common issues and strategies – and, of course, to taste wine.
When Kris Margerum first took over as sommelier of Auberge du Soleil, the wine list had 400 or so selections. Now, 1,700 selections pack the list with around 17,000 bottles stored in the restaurant cellars. Jorgen Gulliksen/Register
星期日, 八月 03, 2008
据说该电视剧的制作费高达60亿韩元(约合4000万人民币 ),并计划在今年9月末前往法国著名的酒庄进行外景地拍摄。
去年在博客上我曾报道过日本葡萄酒连环漫画《神之水滴》(日文Kami no Shizuku)在韩国走俏的消息,其中提到《神之水滴》的原作者亚树直和漫画作者冲本秀为此访问了韩国,并做了一次以韩国为背景的新故事情节取材旅行。在韩期间,两人还对外界透露说,有多家韩国电视剧制作公司有购买这部连环漫画电视剧改编权的意向,并说如果《神之水滴》真被拍成电视剧的话,他们二人希望剧中的主人公最好能由宋承宪来扮演,而主人公的遗产争夺者则由裴勇俊来出演。
入选本年度传播奖的候选人还有Jamie Goode, Olly Smith, James Halliday以及Natalie MacLean等葡萄酒记者。
“国际葡萄酒与烈酒比赛”传播者奖的评选工作到目前为止已举行了十二年,之前曾获得该奖的有休·约翰逊、杰西丝·罗宾逊、Anthony Dias Blue、安德鲁·杰弗德、Matthew Jukes、Joe Wadsack以及昂斯·克拉克。
星期六, 八月 02, 2008
Between 1979 and 1986, Pigott studied various art-related subjects off and on at Goldsmiths College of Art, St. Martins School of Art and the Royal College of Art. He ended up with a Master's degree in the History of Culture. During his studies he started as a wine writer, and published his first piece in Decanter magazine in 1984.
He moved to Berlin with his wife, sommelier and later food writer Ursula Heinzelmann, in late 1993 and published his first German-language book in 1994. From early on, he joined fellow British wine writer Hugh Johnson in taking a critical view towards the mass production mentality that prevailed in parts of the German wine industry, and thus became popular with more quality-oriented producers.
Taking his inspiration from Hunter S. Thompson and Tom Wolfe, Pigott has in recent years tried to emulate the style of Gonzo journalism in the wine area. He has published a number of free educational wine videos in the "Gonzo" style on the Internet.
As part of his educational material, Pigott uses the following five commandments on wine:
1.A wine is as good or bad as it tastes and smells to you.
2.For wine, there is no connection between price and quality.
3.wine is not nearly so complicated or delicate as generally assumed.
4.There no wrong words to describe wine.
5.There is only one error that is possible to make in connection with wine: to ruin other people's pleasure.
Tommy Lau对美联社记者说,公司希望尽可能快地将总部迁到香港,目前正努力地为总部确定一个好场所。
星期五, 八月 01, 2008
Prizes for the top winner in each of the five categories included the WWC sponsored "Ultimate Wine Tour," which includes a one-night-stay weekend trip with VIP tours and wine tastings for two to the Washington wine region of the winners' choice. The winners, receiving the trip to Washington wine country were, by category:
--Biggest Sales Increase of Washington Wine: PCC Greenlake
--Taste of Washington Display with "Grown in Washington" Products: Top Foods Lacey
--Most Creative Display: QFCQFC - Quality Food CentersQFC - Queueing Flow Control..... Click the link for more information. Edmonds
--Most Educational Display: QFC Bella Botega
--Most Impactful Display: Safeway 1464 Olympia
The runners up in each category received a mixed case of Washington wine and a certificate of recognition:
--Biggest Sales Increase of Washington Wine Runner Up: Safeway 558 Renton
--Taste of Washington Display with "Grown in Washington" Products Runner up: QFC Pine Lake
--Most Creative Display Runner Up: QFC Harvard Market/QFC Stanwood (Tie)
--Most Educational Display Runner Up: QFC Northgate
--Most Impactful Display Runner Up: Safeway 519 Fairwood
Honorable Mentions went to: Huckleberry's Spokane, 5 Albertsons, 3 Safeway stores, Fred Meyer Issaquah, 2 Food Pavilions, 2 QFC stores, Haggen Burlington and Top Foods Snohomish. Each received a certificate of recognition and a bottle of wine.