星期二, 九月 30, 2008









资料:弗尔拉德宫雷司令白葡萄酒(Schloss Vollrads Kabinett)。1814年歌德就写文字赞叹过弗尔拉德宫(Schloss Vollrads),中文翻译使用“宫”而不用酒庄也是为了对其历史的敬畏吧。










星期日, 九月 28, 2008



星期五, 九月 26, 2008




加州纳帕谷电影人布雷特·莱曼近日创作拍摄出一系列引人注目的葡萄酒短电影,有关整个短电影系列的预告片目前可以从wilsondanielsfilms网站上在线观看,每部电影将在以后的六个星期内首次在线放映,开始的时间是2008年10月2日,首部放映的影片是《托卡依的复兴》,除了可以在wilsondanielsfilms、YouTube(Wilson Daniels频道)、Facebook(Wilson Daniels首页)以及Vimeo网站上在线浏览以外,所有电影还将能够下载到iPods观看。


星期一, 九月 22, 2008

Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk had a lecture

Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library), Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape.

星期六, 九月 20, 2008

Dispatches: What's in Your Wine?: Do It Yourself(video)

Dispatches: What's in Your Wine?: Do It Yourself.









美国加州索诺玛克莱恩(Cline )酒庄目前正开始在其葡萄酒瓶上贴用“外延文本”标签。由于美国烟酒税收与贸易管理局(TTB)正在考虑是否需要在葡萄酒标签上提供营养信息,所以克莱恩酒庄采用“外延文本”标签的做法也许已经为该空间缺乏问题找到了一个解决办法。这种“外延文本”标签是一种新的多面板背标,消费者可以将它打开、阅读并再次封上。

据克莱恩酒庄市场营销经理Charene Beltramo解释说“这种多元素标签含有三个额外的面板,它能够让人们分享我们品牌的具体化信息--我们酒庄的历史、葡萄园、葡萄酒和种植管理措施。”尽管克莱恩酒庄使用这一可折叠打开的标签仅仅是为了营销文本的宣传,但是它或许也可以结合另外的监管信息来使用,比如“营养事实”图表。生产这种“外延文本”标签的厂商是位于美国威斯康星州的WS包装公司,该公司除了给克莱恩酒庄生产制造这种EasyTab"标签以外,还给非葡萄酒企业如Kenra护发用品公司生产制造这一多用途标签。


据《国际商报》报道,近日,欧盟对葡萄酒的标签作出新的规定,并将从2003年1月1日起实施。按此规定,葡萄酒的标签上除了须标明酒精含量、批号或装货者的名字外,还要有酿造方法、传统概念、产地标志或年份等等。所谓的“传统概念”就是产地特殊的地理环境和产品的特殊性。  欧盟解释制订上述规定是为了保护消费者的利益、增加透明度、有利于公平竞争。  但由于我国的葡萄酒尚处于在欧洲开辟市场的阶段,此规定会带来一定的负面影响,因为“规定”对欧盟内部生产的葡萄酒,特别是有一定知名度的产品另有规定,如允许用“Vintage”代表甜葡萄酒(其他厂商则要以此为标准);允许德国使用扁圆形酒瓶、法国阿尔萨斯葡萄酒使用长笛形酒瓶等等(其他国家或企业不能效仿)。欧盟表示,制订新的规定是符合世贸组织关于知识产权的有关规定。(20020514)

星期四, 九月 18, 2008








星期三, 九月 17, 2008


近日从网上获知,“葡萄酒皇帝”罗伯特·帕克将面临着一项诽谤罪的指控,而此案的原告方恰恰就是罗伯特·帕克的前女助手、法国一位资深女记者汉娜·阿格斯蒂尼(Hanna Agostini),据说帕克还专门为此而抵达法国巴黎,并出席了巴黎一家法院举行的法庭辩论会。

在今年的三月份,罗伯特·帕克曾因涉嫌对汉娜·阿格斯蒂尼出版的新书《帕克神话之解析》 (The Anatomy of a Myth)进行了不当的指责而被法国法庭处以2000欧元(2820美元)的罚款。



我们不禁要问,一个为罗伯特·帕克工作长达八年之久的女助手为何要与帕克翻脸,而且发展到对薄公堂呢? 我想当然不能排除他们俩之间在合作上存在有矛盾和冲突,也有其他私人间的恩恩怨怨,但是以我个人之见,这次帕克与阿格斯蒂尼对薄公堂主要有新闻炒作的目的和动机,因为曾有人撰文说是媒体成就了帕克这位消费时代的评酒师,大众传媒对帕克的大肆褒扬,或是吹毛求疵,甚至哪怕是混淆视听的指责,都会变为对他的侧面炒作,让更多的人知道了这个名字,甚至有了崇拜他的机会。因此,我的分析是通过这次诉讼案的炒作这一来可以让世人再次关注起昔日那位主宰葡萄酒销售市场的“葡萄酒皇帝”,二来也借此炒热阿格斯蒂尼的大作《帕克神话之解析》。




第三期推特现场品酒会(Twitter Taste Live #3)将于2008年9月18日晚七点(美国东部时间)举行,本期推特现场品酒会的组织者是Binendswine网站,品尝的葡萄酒来自加州索诺玛的Michel Schlumberger葡萄酒厂。为配合下一步的推特现场品酒会,活动组织方特地在网上创建了一个TTL网络社区,具体的网址是:http://www.twittertastelive.com/


Bin Ends and TwittertasteLIVE.com are pleased to announce Twitter Taste Live #3 with prominent Sonoma winery Michel Schlumberger. Joining the team from Michel Schlumberger will be our ever growing team of partner bloggers led by September’s co-host Megan from D.C. based Wannabewino.com. For a full list of partners please see below.
September 18th also marks the Wine 2.0 conference and tasting in New York City. We’ll have a team of bloggers “tweeting” live from the event throughout the day, and will be streaming Twitter Taste LIVE from our table beginning at 7pm ET. Live participants in New York will include @binendswine, @1winedude and @saltlinestudio.

For the most up to date information please visit http://www.twittertastelive.com/ and be sure to head to “Who’s Tasting” to add your name to the list!
To RSVP to the event and to leave your Twitter username please Click Here!

About Michel Schlumberger: “Michel-Schlumberger lies off the beaten track in Wine Creek Canyon, a sylvan side pocket of Dry Creek Valley, Sonoma County, California. Each of the wines from our benchland, hillside, and mountain vineyards illustrates the French concept of terroir, or the expression of a specific place. We take pride in the wines produced from this all Estate, organically farmed fruit. Here, tucked away from the mainstream in Healdsburg, you find artisan vineyard work and winemaking at its finest. We hope you enjoy your exploration. ”

星期二, 九月 16, 2008


奥地利籍葡萄酒大师(MW)Josef (Pepi) Schuller博士(图片左)近日当选新一届英国葡萄酒大师学院(IMW)理事会主席,任期两年,这是葡萄酒大师学院在其五十五年历史上首次选举非英国人担任该职务。

Josef (Pepi) Schuller博士是奥地利葡萄酒研究院的院长,该学院主要为奥地利。德国、意大利以及瑞士等国提供葡萄酒教育。

英国籍葡萄酒大师、独立的葡萄酒咨询顾问Lynne Sherriff当选为葡萄酒大师学院理事会副主席,其他两位理事会成员分别是来自爱尔兰的葡萄酒教育家、葡萄酒大师Dermot Nolan以及来自英国的葡萄酒与食品作家、葡萄酒大师(自由职业者)Sarah Jane。

星期一, 九月 15, 2008


终于从刚认识的西班牙wine blogger Emilo的葡萄酒博客(casavides.com)上看到首届欧洲葡萄酒博客人讨论会(EWBC)的视频片段。在EWBC举行期间我始终未能及时地看到有关会议视频信息,因为虽然会议指定由一家西班牙视频网站作为合作伙伴,但是该网站所发布的会议视频内容我却无法浏览到,尽管网站可以顺利地打开,但是视频老是在不停地缓冲下载。在此谢谢Emilio!

另外顺便说一下,Emilio告诉我说他要在今年的11月份来中国,参加“广州2008广州国际名酒展览会暨第三届世界名酒节”(Interwine China 2008)。该展览会原定于2008年6月3-5日在广州锦汉展览中心举办,后因举办北京奥运会的原因,展览会延期至2008年11月27-29号在广州琶洲(广州国际采购中心展馆首层,广交会琶洲馆二期东侧)隆重举行。Emilio刚刚于今年的6月份在一家名叫La Casa de las Vides的葡萄酒厂(厂址位于西班牙的瓦伦西亚地区,老板是名字分别叫Francisco 和Reme Gandia的兄妹俩)里谋到一个职位,担任了该葡萄酒酒厂的出口部主任。



星期五, 九月 12, 2008









星期四, 九月 11, 2008


刚刚从网上获悉,Jeannie Cho Lee顺利地通过了葡萄酒大师资格的全部考试,成为了全亚洲首位拥有葡萄酒大师资格的葡萄酒专业人士。她是目前世界上第277位葡萄酒大师。

Jeannie Cho Lee今年四十岁,是四个孩子的母亲,她的父母是朝鲜人,她目前定居在香港,在Berrt Bros and Rudd葡萄酒公司与香港合办的一家葡萄酒学校里工作,她同时还是一位葡萄酒记者和葡萄酒咨询顾问。


星期三, 九月 10, 2008


2008路易·王妃国际葡萄酒作家奖(Louis Roederer International Wine Writers' Awards)近日揭晓,《Decanter》杂志撰稿人、葡萄酒作家Tom Stevenson和Andrew Jefford分获“路易·王妃香槟奖”(Champagne Louis Roederer Award)及“年度国际葡萄酒专题作家奖”(International Wine Feature Writer of the Year),Will Lyons获“年度英国地区葡萄酒作家奖”(the UK Regional Wine Writer of the Year Award),Tom Cannavan(图上,知名网站wine-pages的创办人)获“年度国际在线葡萄酒作家奖”(International Online Writer of the Year),《Decanter》杂志撰稿人Anthony Rose获“年度国际葡萄酒专栏作家奖”(International Wine Columnist of the Year Award),Charles Metcalfe夫妇获“年度国际葡萄酒图书奖”(International Wine Book of the Year)。

星期二, 九月 09, 2008


美国女子Glenda Cauthon近日获得加州菲泽酒庄颁发的大奖——一辆Toyota Prius牌混合型轿车,Glenda Cauthon是在参加菲泽酒庄举办的“混合型轿车大奖赛”时被选中而获奖的,参加大奖赛的人数为一万人。


星期一, 九月 08, 2008


近日从国外网站上看到一条新闻,说今年有关葡萄Esca病发生情况的报道在法国西南部葡萄产区急剧增加,该病害在Bordeaux,、Gascony以及 Charente等地的日益流行正在显现出来。
葡萄Esca病是由真菌引起的葡萄病害,除了叫葡萄Esca病以外,它还有其它的名称,如葡萄幼树衰退病、黑麻疹病(black measles)、葡萄中风病以及葡萄癌症等,它是一种至少由三种病原真菌引起的真菌性病害。目前已知的病原(无性阶段)有Phaeoacremonium aleophilum、Phaeoacremonium inflatipes、Phaeoacremonium chlamydosporum以及Phaeomoniella chlamydospora 。有性阶段已经发现三种:Togninia minima、T. californica以及T. fraxinopennsylvanica。

一、GrapeMeasles (Esca)
Pathogen: Nine species of fungi in the genus Phaeoacremonium. The perfect stage has been found for three: Togninia minima, T. californica, and T. fraxinopennsylvanica SYMPTOMSAffected leaves display small, chlorotic interveinal areas that enlarge and dry out. Foliage symptoms are frequently called "esca." In red varieties dark red margins surround the dead interveinal areas. Severely affected leaves may drop and canes may dieback from the tips. Symptoms may occur at any time during the growing season but are most prevalent during July and August. On berries, small, round, dark spots, each bordered by a brown-purple ring, may occur. These spots may appear at any time between fruit set and ripening. In severely affected vines the berries often crack and dry on the vine or are subject to spoilage.
COMMENTS ON THE DISEASEMeasles are caused by several species of Togninia, a fungus that produces perithecia on grapevines in old, rotted vascular tissue. Ascospores are released from fall and winter into spring with rainfall; temperatures do not seem to be limiting for spore release. Ascospores reinfect the vine through pruning wounds. Wounds remain susceptible up to 16 weeks after pruning with susceptibilty declining over time. The pathogen enters the current season's vascular tissue and it is believed that symptoms are expressed in the same year that new infections occur. Symptoms are caused by a toxin produced in the vascular tissue and include both leaf striping and fruit spotting. Other symptoms that appear in May are shoot tip dieback and tendril dieback.
Another species of fungus, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, that causes the disease is closely related to the species of Togninia listed above and is also an endophyte in grapevine. This fungus overwinters as pycnidia in 3-5 year-old pruning wounds and releases pycnidiospores with rainfall from fall through spring. The pathogen also infects the vine through current year pruning wounds and produces symptoms.
With both pathogens, there can occur a 50% reduction in shoot growth.
Early measles leaf symptomsLeaf severely infected with measles fungus. The peculiar berry spotting gives black measles its name
Berries dry up or rot on vines severely infected with measles. Photo by Jack Kelly ClarkSome berries in bunch affected by black measles are cracked and shriveled
Measles is more prevalent in areas with consistently high summer temperatures, such as the Central Valley, and in areas with heavy spring rainfall. Generally, plantings that are 10 years of age or older are affected, although measles has been seen on fruit and foliage on younger vines. Control can be achieved with use of liquid lime sulfur. However, it is important that the product get into the cracks and crevices of the vine because that is where the fungal fruiting bodies reside. Other treatments include use of wax or tree tar to fill the holes on the vine. Though still experimental, there would be no way for the fungus to reinfect the vine if these holes are plugged up.
二、Fatal fungus threatens vines across southwest France
September 4, 2008
Jane Anson in Bordeaux
A fatal fungus that attacks vines is becoming increasingly prevalent across the wine regions of Bordeaux, Gascony and the Charente, it has emerged.
The disease, a fungus called Esca (known more commonly as vine measles, or vine cancer), attacks the woody parts of the vine, eventually killing the entire plant.
Very little is known about its origin, how it spreads, or its likely progression. Although it affects vines all over the world, this year there has been a sharp rise in reported cases of Esca in southwest France.
There are calls for an agricultural emergency to be declared in the area, and demands for state aid to replant the affected vines.
'You can literally see the vines withering before your eyes,' a winemaker in Gascony told a local newspaper. 'We are going to need to pull up and replant vines that are scarcely 15 years old.' Auch, a large town in the area, is due to hold a demonstration on September 15, demanding government assistance.
Winegrowers in Bordeaux, Cognac and Champagne have also reported widespread problems, with some estimating the disease is affecting up to 20% of all vines in France.
Chris Foss, senior wine lecturer at Plumpton agricultural College in the UK, told decanter.com the disease was almost unstoppable.
'The disease can be treated with sodium arsenite, but the product has been banned since 2001 because of public health concerns,' he said. 'All wood diseases are an absolute nightmare because they are so difficult to treat, and they seem to be getting more prevalent.' (注:本文来自Decanter杂志,现题目是作者后改过来的,开始作者因为外行的原因将Esca说成是一种病毒性病害)
Chris Foss is correct when he says that sodium arsenite is the only effective chemical defence to Esca. Esca has two forms of attack; Phellinius igniarius and Stereum hirsutum. The first is contamination by basidiospores which causes a necrotising within the woody cell walls and which is then compounded by mycelium which degrade the cellulose and lignin. Infection often occurs when such surfaces are exposed to the air in the form of 搊pen wounds?which are commonly and inevitably caused by pruning or by battering from mechanical harvesters. In the light of a European ban on sodium arsenite the risk can be limited whilst pruning by ensuring that secateurs are thoroughly washed and cleaned at every opportunity and by timing the work so that the vine is just awakening from its overwintering, dormant state. Should pruning take place whilst dormant the spores will over winter in the cut and thus cause infection. However by timing the work so that the sap is rising the vine will weep and so is more likely to expel any contamination. For the same reason pruning in the rain should also be avoided (much to the relief of those working in the vines) as any spores will wash into these wounds and not, as might be thought, simply wash away or dilute the contamination. This then leaves mechanical harvesting which by its nature is a brutal process and causes damage through which such spores can gain entry. The risk of infection is greater at harvest time as the sap is likely to be descending rather than rising. It is perhaps interesting to note that whilst certainly not free from contamination those vineyards which harvest by hand appear to have a lower incidence of infection, especially those run organically. However, presumably because of the lower prices achieved in Charente and Gascony the vast majority of vineyards use mechanical harvesters and those are often first or second generation machines which are much more damaging that the latest models. These actions compound the problem and infection is spread ever wider. Another argument for the hands on, organic approach, maybe? Stephen Eggerton
Yes, esca is hard to stop in the vineyard, particularly if there are wounds that are not protected as soon as they are made. Hot water treatment of dormant cuttings (30 min at 50 degrees)will reduce the titre of the fungi involved and thus reduce the chances of planting a vineyard that has a latent infection. I refer you to papers by Morton, Fourie, Mugnai, Edwards, Pascoe and others. For a review of hot water treatment see my recent paper in Phytopathologia Mediterranea, Waite, H & L.Morton 2007. Hot water treatment, trunk diseases and other critical factors in the production og high-quality grapevine planting material, Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 46, 5-17 Helen Waite There is a good deal of scientific information and research on Esca. A good deal of this research was printed in the scientific journal "Plant Disease". Also, you can speak with Dr. Doug Gubler and his staff at the University of California-Davis as they have done some of this research as well as groups in South Africa.
As a viticulturist and plant pathologist, I manage several large vineyards which have vines with Esca that are over 20 years old and continue to produce both excellent fruit and vineyard designate wine. We deal with the Esca in a variety of ways, the last of which is replanting. They include double pruning, removal of infected vines, arms and cordons as soon as they are identified, switching from spur pruning to cane pruning (less pruning wound surface area) to name a few. In most cases you can identify Esca before it infects the entire vines, unless the original planting material was injected.
Now I admit that as I live and work in Napa, California I am not completely familiar with the situation is southwest france, but the idea that this disease is "unstoppable" sounds a bit like dramatic license. Didn't people way the same thing about powdery mildew, downy mildew, phylloxxera, various viruses, as well as botrytis bunch rot and Eutypa? How could this disease be unstoppable if it has been managed in these vineyards producing high quality fruit for 15-20 years, and most likely longer. This disease has been around for a very, very long time in europe as well as california, south africa and australia.
The internal wood-decay fungi are difficult to treat and deal with, as control is more related to preventing infection in the first place, as opposed to eradication of the disease after infection has occurred. I also know that there is research currently on-going to find and develop fungicidal materials to protect pruning wounds from injection.
I would think a little more research by the authors and editors should have been done in this case. Thank you. Anon
It is interesting (a coincidence?) that this article on Esca appeared on the final day of the 6th conference of the ICGTD (International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases) in Florence, Italy.
Contrary to the assertion that "very little is known about its origin, how it spreads...", research is being done on all over the world on this disease and related ones, especially over the past 10 years. There is a wealth of information in the Proceedings of the ICGTD conferences, published in special editions of Phytopathologia Mediterranea. In France, Esca research is spearheaded by Dr. Philippe Larignon (philippe.larignon@itvfrance.com).
Stephen Eggerton is correct about the basidiomycete fungi involved in Esca. However, the initial fungal pathogen, which paves the way for wood-rotting basidiomycetes to infect the vine, is Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. When basidiomycetes are present as well, the disease is called Esca. P. chlamydospora alone, or in combination with some species of Phaeoacremonium, is now termed Petri Disease.
P. chlamydospora is a water-borne fungus which can infect vines through wounds such as from pruning. Through this pathway, it typically takes many years for Esca to kill a vine. But P. chlamydospora also can be present in rootstocks of newly grafted vines from nurseries. Infected baby vines may become debilitated and are less likely to withstand the stresses of planting and producing grapes, leading to stunting or even death. In California, the massive replanting required to replace AXR1 with phylloxera-resistant rootstocks in the 1980's and '90's led to a huge increase in new vines infected at grafting with P. chlamydospora, and many of them died in the first few years after planting. Until renamed Petri Disease, the phenomenon was known as "young vine decline" or "black goo" (because the vine's response to the fungus is a dark, sticky exudate that clogs the xylem vessels).
It would be worthwhile to investigate the routes of infection in the sick French vines, to determine if P. chlamydospora is entering those vines predominantly from pruning wounds (in which case the scion will be infected but the fungus will seldom cross the graft union into the rootstock), or if some vines arrived in the vineyard with rootstocks already infected and thus were more susceptible from the beginning to intrusion by basidiomycetes from the field. Lisa Van de Water, Vinotec Group

星期日, 九月 07, 2008



前不久,国内曾有人撰文探讨葡萄酒体验营销的发展方向问题,该文指出随着张裕卡斯特酒庄,张裕凯利酒庄,北京爱斐堡酒庄,张裕葡萄酒文化博物馆以及张裕葡萄酒文化旅游的相继挂牌,标志着张裕葡萄酒公司已经进入体验营销阶段。(<从张裕酒庄之路探讨葡萄酒体验营销的发展方向> 王文前)。








Twitter的成名就是通过对一场音乐会的实况直播营销事件。当时音乐会现场里摆放了2台51寸的等离子电视。电视上播放着Twtter 用户在平台上发表消息来实时记录音乐会进展并与朋友在Twtter上进行互动的画面。受众受到这一画面的刺激便纷纷参与到其中去,一时间引发了Twitter用户爆发式的增长,病毒式的传播让Twitter深受用户喜欢,从而TWITTER也一举成名。


那么如何在Twitter上引暴一个体验营销活动呢?第一可以利用平台外部的事件来引导。比如开展一个活动,然后引导用户在Twitter上进行实时互动。第二通过Twitter平台内部的消息来引暴,一个用户的一段话,吸引了无数人的关注。这样的传播往往是病毒性的传播,但由于 Twitter内容的限制性,这样的病毒源的创造非常的难!相对而言,通过外部事件的引导比较容易些。

前段时间我参加了国外几家葡萄酒公司在Twitter上举办的一次Twitter Taste Live(之前曾搞了一次),体验销售的葡萄酒是法国产的知名葡萄酒雨果牌葡萄酒,共有五款葡萄酒分别提供给使用Twitter的葡萄酒爱好者及消费者们品尝,然后主办方确定一个具体时间,在Twitter上和消费者和葡萄酒爱好者进行互动和交流,并用视频直播来辅助这次体验活动,以便加强活动的直观性。据了解,这次活动取得的效果很理想。在九月十八日还将举行第三次Twitter Taste Live,体验销售的葡萄酒是产自美国纳帕的葡萄酒。


星期六, 九月 06, 2008

Pairing Wine and Chinese Food: RECIPES

My love affair with Chinese food predates my love affair with wine. When I was young, Chinese food was exotic, enjoyed at interesting restaurants in Chinatown, sipping a Shirley Temple with an umbrella in it while my father drank his Oriental beer. In college, already an experimental chef, I discovered Grace Chu’s bible, The Pleasures of Chinese Cooking, and feasted my friends on her Americanized versions of egg foo yung and sweet-and-sour chicken. We drank beer with it, since that was mostly what we drank, and Mateus Rosé, since that was all we knew, and it didn’t go badly.
Almost ten years ago, at the opening banquet of the Hotel Conrad Hong Kong, the wines were French and first class: red and white Burgundies, red and white Bordeaux. There were also cocktails, Champagne, and 12 courses of exotic items with ingredients like snake’s blood, so what went with what became a bit blurred. It was all delicious. But in Chinese restaurants at home, I continued to find that the wine selections rarely enhanced the food, or even survived it.
More recently, I attended a nine-course banquet at the Mandarin Court restaurant on Mott Street in the heart of New York’s Chinatown, where 12 white wines—mostly French—were on hand for a considered tasting against a primarily seafood menu. Light, fruity, acidic wines and off-dry wines won out for most of the courses, with Sauvignon Blanc (Australian), Sancerre and Riesling leading the pack. Yet we preferred a Graves and a Provençal white with the lobster baked with ginger and scallions, and a Puligny-Montrachet was the preferred choice with the seafood fried rice.
Because of the combination of textures, flavors, sauces, spices and cooking styles used in Chinese food, pairing wine with these dishes is an interesting challenge. Basic rules of pairings apply, but need to be combined. For instance, recipes with sweetness and/or fruit in the sauce can make wine taste bitter, sour, or thin, and overwhelm the fruit flavors in the wine, so the wine should be at least as sweet as the dish. Salty or sour flavors in the food, on the other hand, will bring out fruit flavors in a wine and make it taste less dry than normal. Savory flavors will enhance the wine, making its flavors and alcohol seem stronger. Foods where heat is an important element (deep-fried or spicy) call for something crisp and cold.

4 Most Chinese food emphasizes texture, which generally means you can de-emphasize the texture of the wine. Pairing wine is not too difficult with steamed dishes, but a spicier wine can be called for to match the spice of more complicated Asian cuisine.
Wines most likely to go with one or another Chinese dishes include Vinho Verde from Portugal, Sauvignon Blanc (either varietally labeled, or Sancerre or Pouilly-Fumé from France), Riesling, Chenin Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Muscat, unoaked or lightly oaked Chardonnays, Chasselas, Grüner Veltliner, Beaujolais and Côtes-du-Rhône. Depending upon the degree of fire you like in your spice, the ingredients you use (since most Chinese dishes have versions starring seafood, chicken, pork or beef) and the veggies you pick for color and crunch, other wines may work as well. It’s trial and error, but since the wines that work well with Chinese food are rarely expensive, finding the perfect pairings for your favorite foods can be affordable fun.
RECIPEHoney Garlic Shrimp: The garlic helps to offset the plain sweetness of this dish, while the absence of fruit in the sauce allows it to work with a fruity wine. Optional sesame seeds add a bit of extra texture.
Wine suggestions: Rather surprisingly, this dish is quite compatible with a tangy New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. A more traditional pairing would be a Riesling with enough residual sugar to keep the sweetness of the dish in its place.
1/2 teaspoon salt8 teaspoons cornstarch6 tablespoons water10 jumbo shrimp, shelled2 cups vegetable oil3 teaspoons minced garlic2 teaspoons sugar2 teaspoons honey1/2 teaspoon chili sauce 3/4 cups chicken broth1 teaspoon sesame seeds (optional)
Mix together salt, 6 teaspoons cornstarch, and water to make batter. Stir shrimp in batter til well coated. In deep-fryer or wok, heat oil to frying temperature. Fry shrimp for approximately 3 minutes, until golden.
To make sauce, combine garlic, sugar, honey, chili sauce and chicken broth in a medium saucepan. Thicken sauce with 2 teaspoons cornstarch. Mix sauce with shrimp; arrange on platter or individual plates over white rice. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serves 2.
RECIPEBeggar’s Chicken: This is a very simple dish, and the adapted recipe is easy to prepare at home. If you’re feeling ambitious, cut leaf shapes out of additional pastry and make a lotus flower design on top.
Wine suggestions: Try this with a white Burgundy or an off-dry rosé.
1 whole chicken, about 3 1/2 pounds4 teaspoons soybean paste2 teaspoons rosé1 ounce diced dry scallions1/2 ounce diced lemongrass1/2 ounce chopped cilantro2 teaspoons salt1/2 teaspoon white pepper1 sheet puff pastry dough
Rinse and dry the chicken, removing any contents from the cavity. Heat oven to 350 F.
In a small bowl, mix together the soybean paste, rosé, scallions, lemongrass and cilantro. Place the mixture inside the chicken. Rub the skin of the chicken with the salt and pepper. Wrap the chicken in the pastry dough with the edges meeting under the chicken, if you plan to decorate the top, or gather the dough in a paper-bag effect on top. Place the dough-wrapped chicken in a baking pan and bake for 1 hour 15 minutes. Serves 4–6.
Source: “Chopsticks & Crystal: Pairing Wine and Chinese Food,” Mary Hunt, Wine Enthusiast, September 5, 2008


纽约Wine2.0大型活动(Wine 2.0 New York )将于2008年9月18日在纽约市曼哈顿的韦伯斯特大厦举行,本次活动的主办方是Webster Hall Digital 和The Winetasting Network ,协办方是Wine Library TV ,届时Wine Library TV 网站的 Gary Vaynerchuk将向数千人现场直播该网站的节目。
出席纽约Wine2.0大型活动的葡萄酒网站有:AmericanWinery.com, BinEnds.com, Bottlenotes, City Winery, Compli, Cork'd, Crushpad, Cruvee.com, eWinery Passport, Greatfood.com, LocalWineEvents.com, Ning, RadCru.com, The Wine Hub, Vinecandy, WineLog, WinePod, The Wine Tasting Network以及WineTasteTV。



星期五, 九月 05, 2008


近日从网上获悉,法国科学家已发明了一种方法,即利用粒子加速器(particle accelerators)来检验年份葡萄酒的真实性,并确定它们的生产日期。


据法国国家科研中心(the National Centre for Scientific Research,CNRS)介绍说,这个检验葡萄酒的方法先利用粒子加速器产生离子束,然后使葡萄酒瓶在离子束中通过,于是瓶子就会产生X光,将这些X光进行分析,就可以确定这些葡萄酒的酒龄。




粒子加速器(particle accelerator)是用人工方法产生高速带电粒子的装置。是探索原子核和粒子的性质、内部结构和相互作用的重要工具,在工农业生产、医疗卫生、科学技术等方面也都有重要而广泛的实际应用。自E.卢瑟福1919年用天然放射性元素放射出来的a射线轰击氮原子首次实现了元素的人工转变以后,物理学家就认识到要想认识原子核,必须用高速粒子来变革原子核。天然放射性提供的粒子能量有限,只有几兆电子伏特(MeV),天然的宇宙射线中粒子的能量虽然很高,但是粒子流极为微弱,例如能量为10^14电子伏特( eV )的粒子每小时在 1平方米的面积上平均只降临一个,而且无法支配宇宙射线中粒子的种类、数量和能量,难于开展研究工作。因此为了开展有预期目标的实验研究,几十年来人们研制和建造了多种粒子加速器,性能不断提高。在生活中,电视和X光设施等都是小型的粒子加速器。



粒子加速器的结构一般包括 3个主要部分 :①粒子源 ,用以提供所需加速的粒子,有电子、正电子、质子、反质子以及重离子等等。②真空加速系统,其中有一定形态的加速电场,并且为了使粒子在不受空气分子散射的条件下加速 ,整个系统放在真空度极高的真空室内。③导引、聚焦系统 ,用一定形态的电磁场来引导并约束被加速的粒子束,使之沿预定轨道接受电场的加速。所有这些都要求高、精、尖技术的综合和配合。


星期三, 九月 03, 2008


由OpenWine Consortium主办的首届美国葡萄酒博客人讨论会将于10月24日至26日在加州索诺玛举行。








