星期三, 五月 24, 2006
星期五, 五月 19, 2006
在十七世纪前,发泡的葡萄酒尚没有取“香槟”的名称。有人说在法国BENEDICTINE教区,有位聪明的僧侣,名叫丹姆培里永 DOM PERIGNON,当时主管教会的财产与酒库,他把酒里加进了气泡,是对香槟酒贡献很大的人,并且在葡萄酒品质的改良方面,也胜过了以往任何一个人,因为从一六六八年至一七一五年,他执掌了葡萄酒的酿造与品尝的事务。
真正的香槟酒,产自巴黎东北部的RHEIMS和EPERNAY地区。其他国家生产的,大都以法国的制造法为范本,也有以简化方法制造的。大多数的香槟酒,味道都不错,如果在酒会上只重量而不重质,用香槟酒来调些混合饮料,如黑天鹅BLACK VELVET或潘契PUNCH酒,都很适当。
香槟酒发酵所采用的葡萄与一般的葡萄酒无差异,但是必须遵守瓶内发酵﹝Bottle Fermentted)原则,才是真正的法国香槟酒。初步发酵后,加入糖与特殊的酵母,然后装瓶、封口、贮存于低温酒窖,贮存至少二年以上。酵母使糖产生第二次发酵,其所产生的二氧化碳乃气泡的来源。沉淀物依上述方法去除之后,加入一定比例份量的榶使香槟更可口。香槟可分为完全不甜﹝Brut﹞,不甜﹝Sec﹞,微甜﹝Demi Sec.﹞与甜﹝Doux﹞等。有些香槟根本不加糖,才是真正的完全不甜。法国所产的香槟,在瓶塞或卷标上标示Champagne以作为识别,若按真正香槟制造方法在瓶内发酵者则标明“`a la Me'thode Champegnoise”字样。
国共有19个著名香槟厂牌,如Bolinger、Krug、Veuve Cliquot、Moet Chandon等,依照法国政府1927年所颁的法令规定香槟分类如下:
一级产区制香槟﹝Champagne Premiere Zone﹞:法国玛奴﹝Marne﹞高地及山谷的葡萄园所产制者。
二级产区制香槟﹝Champagne deuxieme Zone﹞:法国俄布﹝Aube﹞,上玛奴﹝Haute Marne﹞等地区所产制者。
在十七世纪前,发泡的葡萄酒尚没有取“香槟”的名称。有人说在法国BENEDICTINE教区,有位聪明的僧侣,名叫丹姆培里永 DOM PERIGNON,当时主管教会的财产与酒库,他把酒里加进了气泡,是对香槟酒贡献很大的人,并且在葡萄酒品质的改良方面,也胜过了以往任何一个人,因为从一六六八年至一七一五年,他执掌了葡萄酒的酿造与品尝的事务。
真正的香槟酒,产自巴黎东北部的RHEIMS和EPERNAY地区。其他国家生产的,大都以法国的制造法为范本,也有以简化方法制造的。大多数的香槟酒,味道都不错,如果在酒会上只重量而不重质,用香槟酒来调些混合饮料,如黑天鹅BLACK VELVET或潘契PUNCH酒,都很适当。
香槟酒发酵所采用的葡萄与一般的葡萄酒无差异,但是必须遵守瓶内发酵﹝Bottle Fermentted)原则,才是真正的法国香槟酒。初步发酵后,加入糖与特殊的酵母,然后装瓶、封口、贮存于低温酒窖,贮存至少二年以上。酵母使糖产生第二次发酵,其所产生的二氧化碳乃气泡的来源。沉淀物依上述方法去除之后,加入一定比例份量的榶使香槟更可口。香槟可分为完全不甜﹝Brut﹞,不甜﹝Sec﹞,微甜﹝Demi Sec.﹞与甜﹝Doux﹞等。有些香槟根本不加糖,才是真正的完全不甜。法国所产的香槟,在瓶塞或卷标上标示Champagne以作为识别,若按真正香槟制造方法在瓶内发酵者则标明“`a la Me'thode Champegnoise”字样。
国共有19个著名香槟厂牌,如Bolinger、Krug、Veuve Cliquot、Moet Chandon等,依照法国政府1927年所颁的法令规定香槟分类如下:
一级产区制香槟﹝Champagne Premiere Zone﹞:法国玛奴﹝Marne﹞高地及山谷的葡萄园所产制者。
二级产区制香槟﹝Champagne deuxieme Zone﹞:法国俄布﹝Aube﹞,上玛奴﹝Haute Marne﹞等地区所产制者。
Best wine advice for newbie
1. Try new things - don't get stuck on just one region or varietal.
2. Drink what you like - read reviews, books, articles, etc. - there are lots of opinions out there that have the potential to shape your taste - read, understand as much as you care to and then drink what YOU like. If you agreed (or disagreed) strongly with someone's opinion, then the next time they comment on a wine, you'll have a better understanding of whether you might like it too.
3. There are lots of things that make up a good wine: varietal, region, winemaker, vineyard, vintage (weather, etc.) - you may read about a particular wine that sounds interesting, or you may have tried a wine that you really like, but when you go to your wine store you can't find it. What to do? Look for common traits - e.g.,
- If you read that a winery made a great Cabernet from Rutherford in CA in 2001 and you can't find it, but you see a Merlot from the same winery, from Rutherford in 2001 - try it. The fact is, good winemakers make good wine.- If you read that a winery made a great Pinot from Gary's Vineyard in CA in 2001 and you can't find it, but you see a 2001 Pinot from Gary's Vineyard from a different winemaker and 2001 was a great vintage for Pinot in CA - try it. Great fruit is great fruit and great vintages are great vintages.
Monday May 15, 2006 - 02:36am (PDT) Permanent Link 0 Comments
2. Drink what you like - read reviews, books, articles, etc. - there are lots of opinions out there that have the potential to shape your taste - read, understand as much as you care to and then drink what YOU like. If you agreed (or disagreed) strongly with someone's opinion, then the next time they comment on a wine, you'll have a better understanding of whether you might like it too.
3. There are lots of things that make up a good wine: varietal, region, winemaker, vineyard, vintage (weather, etc.) - you may read about a particular wine that sounds interesting, or you may have tried a wine that you really like, but when you go to your wine store you can't find it. What to do? Look for common traits - e.g.,
- If you read that a winery made a great Cabernet from Rutherford in CA in 2001 and you can't find it, but you see a Merlot from the same winery, from Rutherford in 2001 - try it. The fact is, good winemakers make good wine.- If you read that a winery made a great Pinot from Gary's Vineyard in CA in 2001 and you can't find it, but you see a 2001 Pinot from Gary's Vineyard from a different winemaker and 2001 was a great vintage for Pinot in CA - try it. Great fruit is great fruit and great vintages are great vintages.
Monday May 15, 2006 - 02:36am (PDT) Permanent Link 0 Comments
星期一, 五月 15, 2006
星期三, 五月 10, 2006
为进一步对葡萄酒博物馆的文化功能做一个全面了解,我在网上的百度搜索引擎中输入“葡萄酒博物馆”一词,其中有关澳门葡萄酒博物馆的条目最多,具体数目没有做统计,这也许就是旅游与葡萄酒相结合的最好说明。我随机浏览了几条,一条是名为“花米的路”新浪个人博客,她写到“位于赛车博物馆对面的葡萄酒博物馆更是一个富有文化教育特色的场所。一走进大门,就被长廊两边的墙柜上各种各样的葡萄酒所吸引。一千多种品牌的葡萄酒,不仅可以看,还能从精选出的六种名酒中任选取一种进行品尝。手执葡萄美酒夜光杯,倘佯在名酒的世界中,了解酿酒,葡萄种植史,参观古老的酒窑,深深感受着葡萄酒文化的无穷魅力。”,又一条则采取图片方式介绍游玩澳门葡萄酒博物馆的心情,作者名为Hing ,网址:http://www.flickr.com/photos/hing/18686953/in/set-441043/。还有一条提到南非有一座古老的葡萄酒博物馆,它在开普敦(位于在一隅狭窄的半岛上),港湾风情浪漫,景色旖旎,城市以外的郊野,葡萄园遍布,盛产味醇色美的葡萄酒。在郊区的康斯坦亚农庄内,有一座建于1685年的葡萄酒博物馆。该博物馆是一座荷兰式的古老建筑物,有粉白的墙和典雅的造型屋内的家具、器皿还保留着17世纪原状。地下室的大酒地窖里摆满了巨型的橡木桶,桶内有正在发酵的葡萄酒,散发着奇特、潮湿的香味,闻多了似乎能把人醉倒。在这里,游客可尽情品尝葡萄酒,不醉不归。
游客:“ 这非常有趣,解说也很实际。”
游客:“ 这非常有趣,解说也很实际。”
星期二, 五月 09, 2006
星期一, 五月 08, 2006
Tell me your opinions on wine labels

Hello, I am a wine lover,I think that the influence of wine labels on a person's wine purchase is very important, When you want to buy a bottle of wine, There are a lot of choices. Many retail stores carry hundreds of wine brands or labels. What makes you buy a certain label over another? Pleases tell me your opinions on wine labels.
I like Napa valley !!

I have joined the "Wine Slobs" group on myspace for one week, I often view posts in this group,Today i saw a post that it's about wine tour in Napa valley, I like the post so i copy it and post on my blog. I hope i can take a trip to Napa valley one day!! :)
Trip report (LONG-ish)! My first time in Napa....My friend Marie and I returned from Napa on Sunday... it was PHENOMENAL! Everything was absolutely beautiful. Thank you everyone for your recommendations.We had our room booked at the River Terrace Inn in Napa... It was kind of modern-looking but still comfy... nice place! Saturday morning..our first stop was Silver Oak. I wanted to kiss the ground when we got there. We had a private tour at 10am, and they treated us really well, our tour guide Deke told us all the history of the family, showed us around the grounds and was giving us really generous pours. Good morning!! :)From there we stopped at the Oakville Grocery store ... on the outside it appeared as a simple country store, but inside it was stocked with all gourmet items. OMG!! I was in heaven. We picked up some sandwiches and then I found this incredible cheese there (Yes, I'm going to rave about cheese) it's called "Gjetost"...its a Norweigan goat cheese, made with a form of caramel and it tasted like a cross between fudge (yet it wasn't sweet), peanut butter, and mozzarella. It was absolutely amazing. From there we went to Plumpjack, which was very enjoyable. Then to Miner which was terrific with a great view of Napa, and then to Pine Ridge... loved their malbec blend called, "Onyx" and picked up a case for home.Sunday morning, we had a 10:00am appointment at Nickel & Nickel... WOW. Such a beautiful place... had a very elegant, Martha Stewart look to it. The tour started in the main house, then we walked across the grounds, and went downstairs to the barrel room. I've NEVER seen a more gorgeous barrel room in my life. It was breathtaking... reminded me of "The Wizard of Oz" where Dorothy goes to see Oz in that great hallway. Picked up a bottle of their Regusci Vineyard cab. Other places we went to:The Martini House (in St. Helena)--- Great bar!n.v. - (in Napa) -- wonderful, wonderful, restaurant with incredible food and serviceThe Bounty Hunter - (in Napa) -- cool place for drinks..lots of fun and packedUva... (in Napa) Great restaurant where we heard live Jazz.Downtown Joes- the local hang... live music... cool placeSilverado Country Club- we made new friends who took us there. Beautiful place, for a while I thought I was in a Vegas casino.. obviously had too much wine that day.From the beginning to the end, it was an excellent trip! Can't wait for the next time I go.
星期日, 五月 07, 2006
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